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Copyright (c) Sanders-Indev 2006, 2009. All rights reserved.

The screen captures below show what you'll see when you use
PhotoJournal (PJ) by Sanders-Indev.

  1. The PJ launch icon is a camera superimposed on a notebook.
  2. The main form of PJ, showing an empty journal. The thin blue rectangle is a custom "focus ring". It shows that the input area is ready to receive user input. (The focus ring feature isn't available on all Palm devices.)
  3. The Edit form. You use this form to create new entries, and to edit existing entries.


  1. Even if your device doesn't have a closable input area, you can still enter as much text as you need by scrolling the field. (The triangles next to the "Edit" label are scroll arrows.) Note the picture link (¤) in the example entry. It was inserted by tapping the "Link" button, then tapping one of the thumbnail images shown. (See ScreenCaptures 5 and 6.)
  2. This is the Link form, which appears when you tap the "Link" button on the Edit form. Here, the thumbnail image of the car has been tapped, which caused the picture link to be inserted in the entry of ScreenCapture 4.
  3. This is the result of a one-second "tap and hold" on the picture link in the text of ScreenCapture 4.



  1. PJ will enlarge the picture if your Palm can rotate its viewing area and close its input area (like the T3 and the T5).
  2. After closing the Edit form (by tapping its "Done" button), an index line for the new entry appears on the main form. Tapping an index line will re-open the full entry in the Edit form, for viewing and/or further editing.
  3. The main form after a few more entries have been made in the journal. Notice that it's showing "All" journal entries, not just those from a specific journal. The triangle next to "All" lets you choose which journal to show, if you have more than one.


  1. The Find form, accessed by the "Find" button on the main form. The search criterion in this example will match entries having both a picture link and the string "flower". Because "Word" is unchecked, matching will occur even when the string is embedded in a word of the text.
    Note the buttons PJ provides so you won't have to enter keywords manually. There's also a "PicLink" button.
  2. The Found form is an index of journal entries found when the "Use" button on the Find form (ScreenCapture 10) is tapped. In this example, the entry with "wildflowers" in the text (and a picture link) was found, because it matched the criterion of ScreenCapture 10. Note that if "Word" had been checked, it wouldn't have matched.
  3. Tapping an index entry on a Found form (like that of ScreenCapture 11) shows the full entry on Edit form.


  1. This dialog (from the "File" button on a Found form) lets you save a report of the found entries on your expansion card. Here's an example:
    PJ- PhotoJournal by Sanders-Indev
    Found 6:48 pm May 17, 2009
    Criterion: ¤`ANDflower
    This is another entry, just for the demonstration.
    Here's a picture of some tulips ¤, and a picture of some wildflowers ¤ .
    Linked Pictures: 07826014, flowers
  2. The Re-find form, showing an index to all saved search criteria. PJ asks if you want to save a successful search just before it closes the Found form.
  3. When you tap an index entry on the Re-find form, PJ writes the complete criterion on the Find form, so you can make changes to it before using it.
    This example is contrived, but it shows that PJ can handle arbitrarily-complex criteria when you need to be extremely specific in your search. In this case, only journal entries made between 4PM and 6PM that contains either "tap" or "top" will be found.




  1. These are the menu items available on the Edit form. (The main form omits the Edit menu because the main form doesn't accept pen or keyboard input from the user.)
  2. Normally , you won't have to use this "Image Source" dialog, because PJ automatically looks in the default directory ("\DCIM\" for images. When PJ starts, it decodes JPG files and makes them available for linking to journal entries. PJ remembers images it has decoded, so it won't waste time if you remove a card and re-insert it later -- even in a different session. If PJ finds no images, a PopMsg will inform you, and the program will continue. If you wish, you can use this dialog to tell PJ where to find your images.
  3. The "i" icon at the upper right of the Image Source dialog produces this "Tips" form.




  1. The "Default Search Field" option lets you avoid specifying which field of an entry (timestamp or text) PJ should look in when it is trying to find a match.
    For example, if you set TEXT as the default, then the criterion "jun" will be matched to the text of the entry, not the timestamp. That way, an entry mentioning "Cajun" would be found, but an entry made in June without "jun" somewhere in its text would be bypassed. But if you set DATE as the default, that same criterion would find an entry with a June timestamp, and bypass a March entry with "cajun" in its text.
    This option only tells PJ what to assume when you don't specify the search field in your criterion. You can always override the assumption by specifying DATE or TEXT in your search.
  2. This option accommodates rare instances when you might need to search for an entry containing a keyword-marker character. It's needed because a keyword-marker character cannot be included in the target of a search.
  3. A "PopMsg" is PJ's way of telling you things that don't require a response from you. They pop up with a short sound to alert you, and stay on the screen until you touch the screen, or until the number of seconds you choose has elapsed.
    Top:The PopMsg Duration option dialog, where you set how long a PopMsg will stay on.
    Bottom:The PopMsg that appears after you make a choice on the option dialog.



  1. This option lets you decide whether or not you want PJ to tell you when it finds a JPG file it can't use.
  2. Some operations, like tapping a "Back" key, can lead to loss of data that has been entered on a form. PJ has been programmed to let you confirm or cancel such operations. Un-checking a box on this option dialog will remove the corresponding protection.
  3. You can use this option for rare instances in which your search criterion must include more than 16 operations.



  1. This option may be needed if your search criterion must find a string longer than 32 characters.
  2. This option lets you control the assumption PJ makes when you enter a 2-digit year on the Find form.
  3. The "Tips" form produced when the "i" icon of the "Range of 2-digit Year" dialog is tapped.
    Here's what you would see if you scrolled it down:
          The default range "1931 to 2030" means that 31-99 is 1931-1999, and
          00-30 is 2000-2030. If you change the first year of the given 100-year
          range to, say,"1950", and tap the "to" button, you'll see the range become
          "1950 to 2049". If you then tap the OK" button, 50-99 will mean
          "1950-1999", and 00-49 will mean 2000-2049. Note that this option
          never affects a 4-digit year.


  1. Help - General (first page of several).
  2. Help - Journal Entries (first page of several).
  3. Help - Searching (first page of several).



  1. Help - Navigation (first page of several).
  2. Help - About.

...Sanders-Indev 2009